Gartner have identified that the cost to undertake a data subject request to remove a customer’s data is A$2200 per customer.
Just think how that translates to your business. Whatever the size of the business, new legislation being proposed for Australia regarding the handling of privacy data is coming in 2023.
Australia’s privacy laws have long been outdated. The Australian Privacy Act 1988 is under review and after 2 years of examination, the Attorney General Mark Dreyfus today announced 116 recommendations for reform including redefining “personal information” to include IP addresses and device identifiers, adding a “fair and reasonable” requirement for using information, a new personal right to sue for breaches of privacy, and a right to be erased from a company’s records.
Talk to us at DataBench to understand how we can support your business in all aspects of personal data security, retention/destruction, data breach prevention and automation of compliance to the current and emerging Australian Privacy Principles.
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